söndag, april 05, 2009
onsdag, april 01, 2009
tisdag, mars 24, 2009
lördag, mars 21, 2009
What a Hero
A good saterday afternoon.
Super Neil Harris is da man! Bloody brilliant!
Etiketter: Millwall, Neil Harris, Super
tisdag, mars 17, 2009
MK Dons - Millwall 0-1
We Are Millwall, Super Millwall, We Are Millwall From The Den!
No One Likes Us, No One Likes Us, No One Likes Us – We Don't Care!
We Are Millwall, Super Millwall, We Are Millwall From The Den!
Etiketter: Millwall FC, MK Dons, result
lördag, mars 14, 2009
söndag, mars 08, 2009
I received this debut album by Connett from my friend Bax, thanks!
A London based band that have made some reputation about themselves in the big city. A 60t's inspired album where you can hear both Kinks, Small Faces and a more modern indie sound. The album is filled with what they call "Nu Skool - Music Hall" don't really know what that mean but you get an album filled with catchy chorus and nice verses.
Favorite tracks: Son and Song For Swingers
Check them out HERE
Etiketter: Connett, music hall, nu skool, Waging War On The Obvious
lördag, mars 07, 2009
Etiketter: Huddersfield, Millwall
tisdag, mars 03, 2009
Nelly and cushing
Etiketter: dog cushing, Nelly
lördag, februari 28, 2009
Cufflinks for pressie
Etiketter: Charles Tyrwhitt, cufflinks, present
onsdag, februari 25, 2009
So Susanne took me down to Da Klomp? on saterday for ome birthday beers. We had a real nice time and if you want to be verbaly abused go there and tell the bartender something stupid about beer - like i don't like dark beer, that's the way it is. I just don't like dark beer. A bit pricy but we had a nice time there -recomended.
On sunday the rest of the family came over for some smörgåstårta and hanging with us. Thanks everyone.
I really like Moz new album. And on monday the mailman brought me The View - Which Bitch. Excellent record. When I first heard the singel - 5 rebeccas - I was a bit disapointed and thought that thay had one great record and thats it. Then I decided to buy the album and I must say I Like!
My 6th week on KRUT and the ending coming closer - me like!
Cheltenham - Millwall 1-3 ME LIKE!!!
Etiketter: Da Klomp Millwall, linköping
lördag, februari 21, 2009
Todays runnning
Time: 1:20:00
KCAL: 1039
Max heartrate: 178
Ave. heart: 154
Health zon: 0:14:13
Fitness zon: 0:19:41
Power zon: 0:57: 28
Had some mimosa with the breakfast and now I'm going out for a run. The celebration stared early this week when Steve Cradocks The Kundalini Project arrived continued when The new Moz album arrived two days ago, and today is the day. Up and running! And today it's a Millwall game, lots of music, bubbly and beer - ahhhh life is sweet!
Etiketter: 42, birthday, Jerry, Millwall FC, Morrissey, Steve Cradock, The Kundalini Target, Years of Refusal
torsdag, februari 19, 2009
Etiketter: cushing, dog, irish soft coated wheaten terrier, Nelly
. . .
And U2 still sucks!
Etiketter: home work, KRUT; Norrköping, morning, U2 - No Line On The Horizon
onsdag, februari 18, 2009
Millwall - swindon
För övrigt avslutade vi dagen med självskydd idag - ont i hela kroppen.
Och jag laddade ner U2 - den dög inte!
Etiketter: Millwall FC, självskydd, U2 - No Line On The Horizon
måndag, februari 16, 2009
The Kundalini Target
Etiketter: reflexcd.co.uk, Steve Cradock, The Kundalini Target
Måndag fm
söndag, februari 15, 2009
Spotify of the day
lördag, februari 14, 2009
Lördag kväll
Lördag 090214
Annars har lördagen varit lugn. Susanne har varit väldigt lugn efter gårdagens firmafest. Jag kolade på senaste Lost och drack en öl här hemma - Coors Light. Och vad säger man om denna öl. Close to Water men helt ok.
Lyssnade på nya Mando och det svängde när jag sprang. Var ute i 1.10 och det kändes bra
2-2 fuck . . . Känns som de stackars 5000 Stckport supportranrna verkligen lyckas påverka domaren idag.
Slutar innan matchen tar slut.
Etiketter: Mando Diao, Millwall
fredag, februari 13, 2009
onsdag, februari 04, 2009
Läser hemma!
Etiketter: kriminalvård, KRUT, läsa hemma
söndag, februari 01, 2009
fredag, januari 30, 2009
The Rifles The Great Escape
The Rifles.
Inget vidare stort eller känt band i Sverige, vilket jag kan förstå. P W sa någon gång att det är sköna killar med snygga frisyrer och det ligger kanske något i det, om man bodde i England. Här är mod frisyrer inte lika inne om man inte är nere i pop-England-träsket, vilket då jag är.
The Rifles i alla fall. De kom ett album för att par år sedan som jag har som mp3 och har lyssnat en hel del på. Inga sensationella låtar men tillräckligt catchy för att fånga mitt intresse. Att de inte är nyskapande eller revolutionerande spelar inte så stor roll då – faan det svänger ju – räcker inte det. För en del inte för andra helt ok. Och de spelade så pass bra att jag valde dem framför The View när jag senast var i London. Och The View anses nog vara betydligt mer nyskapande och egna än The Rifles men jag valde Rifles på Brixton. Att jag redan köpt biljett till The Rifles när jag hade möjligheten att köpa en biljett till The View på Astoria, nu blir The Courteeners istället för The View mitt sista besök på Astoria, är en anna histora som kanske hade inneburit andra val . . .
Åter till The Rifles. Ok, konsertern var – sådär. Helt ok men . . . lite tråkig. Snygga frisyrer men lite tråkigt. De nya låtarna lät ungefär som de tidigare. Men idag dök nya plattan upp från Andy på Reflexcd och den är faan bra. Sitter här och hälften av låtarna sitter efter ett par genomlyssningar. Något i mig väk skriva ”Sad but true” men så känner jag inte – Faan det svänger. Det blev en del raljerande så jag tro jag stannar här!
Här är The Rifles med ”The Great Escape”
Etiketter: Paul Weller, reflexcd.co.uk, The Great Escape, The Rifles
torsdag, januari 29, 2009
The man with the red guitar
Etiketter: Gothenburg, noel, Oasis
tisdag, januari 27, 2009
Party In Gothenburg
Me in tonic shirt from ben Sherman and tootal scarf. Susanne looking smart as always!
Etiketter: Gothenburg, Jerry, Oasis, Susanne
Oasis Gothenburg
So this is about a minute of Oasis in Gothenburg. Must say that they wear not the most energic band I've seen. Susanne and me had a very nice night in Gotenburg. Champagne in the room, Indian take away, Oasis at Scandinavium and the afterparty at The Ritz with Noel anf Gem atending. In all - top!
Etiketter: afterparty, Gothenburg, Oasis, Ritz
söndag, januari 25, 2009
fredag, januari 16, 2009
måndag, januari 05, 2009
The Changing Man
The book has not changed anything consider my feelings for Weller. As long as he produce music that I like I will buy his records. I like books that just not tell the story from an overview, books that look deeper into the lives and what makes them who they are. Still, the person that now the real truth is Mr Weller himself. And maybe someday we will be able to read his views on his songs and what made him the person he is.
Etiketter: Paolo Hewitt, Paul Weller, The Changing Man
tisdag, december 30, 2008
This is what is like to be off work
08.15 Make breakfast
09.15 Walk the dog
10.00 Down to the bottle shop and flowerist
10.30 warm up
10.45 one hour running
11.45 home and make the dirt laundy ready
12.00 -17.00 laundry
13.00 lunch after shower
13.30 walking the dog
15.00 the car to the supermarket
16.15 home after shopping sitting in the bed sipping on some coffee
17.00 walking the dog
18.00 making dinner
F f s I'm tired on being off work
Etiketter: Day off work
måndag, december 29, 2008
A brand new start . . .
New years eve is just a few days away. Here is everything slow. Both me and Susanne are of work and enjoying this time. Nelly is a bit strange at the moment. Probably something to do with her being "shadow pregnant" - is that a word?
And now I’m sitting here listening to “The Beat Scene” on Spotify while writing this –soon a dog walk and then down town for a after work beer with my working mate!
And yesterday we watched “Let the right one in” don’t know what to say about it. I expected a vampire movie and got something about being “outside” of friendship, being bullied, being different. Can’t say I like the Swedish movie language of the seventies –eighties. Everything is grey and boring – nah not me and not my like
fredag, december 26, 2008
So this was christmas
A little bit later. Still 1-0. Back to christmas. I'm off work and that is a gift in itself. From my lovely susanne I got a nice target coffee mug and a wonderful Gucci edt. From my mom and dad the Hewitt Weller book and a nice Boomerang shirt. From my brother with family a face wash from lush and a cool picture frame for digital photos.
Nice glögg, cool beer and stuffed like a . . .
So this was christmas
Etiketter: Christmas, gift, Millwall, Paul Weller
onsdag, december 24, 2008
tisdag, december 23, 2008
måndag, december 22, 2008
The Dirt the book
onsdag, december 17, 2008
Merry Millwall Xmas
Recived this by mail from Millwall and I just have to share it with you lot. If there should be any problem with me showing this vdo here. Just drop me a line.
Millwall FC has copyright of the material
Etiketter: Christmas, Millwall FC, Xmas
torsdag, december 11, 2008
Pete Molinari is in da house
Såg hans namn flimra förbi någostans för ett tag sedan för att sedan dyka upp igen i senaste nr av sonic och då bestämde jag mig för att kolla vidare och hittade hans hemsida och jag visste verkligen inte vad jag skulle vänta på. Hittade en spelare och startade. Va faan är det här för Dylan shiite. Men jag stannade och lyssnade klart och spelade igen och helt plötsligt var det bra, sedan rikitigt bra, och jag tror jag stannar där. Lyssna och njut!
Etiketter: Pete Molinari, Sonic
tisdag, december 09, 2008
Human Rights day post - Free Paljor Norbu Now!
I am deeply disturbed to learn that Chinese authorities have sentenced 81-year-old Paljor Norbu (Chinese: Panjue Ruobu) to 7 years in prison. I join people worldwide in calling for his immediate release, and the release of all Tibetan political prisoners.
Paljor Norbu is internationally recognized as a distinguished master printer and publisher of traditional Buddhist texts. He was detained on October 31 and accused of printing 'prohibited material', but no official charges against him have been released. In gross violation of Chinese law and international law, he was denied even the most basic rights to a free and fair trial procedure. He was tried in secret and denied the right to chose his defense lawyer. No details about his trial have been disclosed, and his whereabouts remain unknown.
Paljor Norbu is 81 years old. We are deeply concerned for his well-being and call for his family to be allowed to see him immediately.
According to Human Rights Watch, Norbu's sentencing is part of a new wave of arrests in China's ongoing crackdown in Tibet. Foreign journalists are still being denied access to Tibet, thousands of Tibetans remain imprisoned or disappeared and Chinese armed forces continue to surround towns and monasteries, carrying out a campaign of terror against the Tibetan people.
The international community has consistently demonstrated its long-standing support for Tibet and the restoration of human rights and freedom for the Tibetan people. Until this military siege ends and your government commits to meaningful dialogue with the Tibetan-government-in-exile to resolve the Tibetan issue, China will never truly be accepted as a leader on the world stage.
I am monitoring Paljor Norbu's case very closely and will raise his plight with my government representatives, as well as those of other Tibetan political prisoners. I urge you to immediately and unconditionally release Paljor Norbu, Dhondup Wangch en, Jigme Guri and all other Tibetans who have been unjustly detained.
Sincerely, Jerry Simonsson
Tibet Will Free Free! Bhod Rangzen!
Etiketter: China, freedom, Human Rights day, Tibet
söndag, november 30, 2008
Weller, London, Brixton
Etiketter: Brixton Academy, London, Paul Weller, The Hosts
måndag, november 24, 2008
Ldn day four
Etiketter: Buckingham, London
Ldn day three
This day was supposed to be a shopping day for Susanne who could not join me on this trip to Ldn. But a short list of things that she wanted me to bring back from here was my travel partner. But after a day running in and out of Boots, superdrug, Sainsbury the only thing on the list I brought back to the hotell in the evening was this - hope she's not disepointed in me when coming home tomorrow!?