tisdag, november 22, 2005
A disapointment!
Today a recived a letter from the post office telling me to get my butt down there to collect a parcel. I'm expecting the new Springsteen box with Born to Run, so happily I jumed on the my bike and sprinted to the office. But there was no box, just an envalope from University. What a disapointment, it was my degree and no record/dvd...My first degree: Bachlor of Arts with major in Social Anthropology. 145 credit points within degree (217,5 ECTS-credits) and there 80 of these points in Social Anthropology is Passed with distinction. So here is some pictures oc my degree, and I celebrated with some sweets! And I'm very happy and pleased with the degree but Springsteen today...
torsdag, november 03, 2005
RIP - The sweetest thing
19931105 - 20051102
My sweetest thing, my teddyface has left us far too soon. It hurts so much and I miss you all the time. Everything reminds me of you and all the things you did! Everything went so quick but I'm truly glad that I had the time to see you and spend the last minutes with you and know that you still was my little "pipande" girl!
You're The Sweetest!