söndag, december 20, 2009

The doggy swim (in pictures)

söndag, september 20, 2009

Another photo of my little darling

söndag, juli 05, 2009

The Birthday dog!

My sweet little Nelly is 12 years old today. Happy birthday to you my darling!

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måndag, juni 29, 2009

Sommar bild

söndag, juni 14, 2009

Todays Nelly picture


We have suspected that our little nelly have had some problem with her hearing, and "problem" have gone from bad to worse was something we discovered this friday. We could come home and she did not notice. So, we did a hearing or suprice test without more than lifting an eyebrow, sad but true. But shes happy as before and as long as we are aware of it there should be no real problem. So here is Nelly from last night!

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söndag, maj 17, 2009

Nelly saterday night joy

torsdag, februari 19, 2009


So today the vet called and told us that Nelly got cushing and in short that is: Defines Cushing’s syndrome, a disorder resulting from prolonged exposure of the body’s tissues to high levels of the hormone cortisol. So, on monday it's back to the vet for some more tests. Now to get the right dose of medicine. Hopefully this will work out easily, then she's on med for the rest of her life.

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