söndag, september 27, 2009

White Line Fever om the bookshelf

so I have read about half this book - White Line Fever by Lemmy and I give it 2 maybe 2 2/5. some funny stories in there but does not make it all through in my world. I have had my share of Motorhead, coming homevfrom LDN with the no sleep album and play it for the first time after sitting on the boat just looking at it. Lemmy is Lemmy but he's not a story teller

Posted by ShoZu

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måndag, december 22, 2008

The Dirt the book

Once there was a time when I had long hair, fancied a purple and black striped shirt, looked just the one E D V wore on the pictures in creeam or another american music magazine. I think the year was 1984. VH ruled the world with Jump and AC/DC saluted you! And then there was this band with these crazy looking dudes with the song Shout at the devil - Motley Crue.

Today I sometimes bring out these records and walking down memory lane. Reading the book is not my memorys and not even close to the life I lived in these times. But the reading is good and a look into a life so far out that it sounds unbeliveble.
Good reading for anyone interested in music.

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