Coming home from work today was a pleasent surprise finding the new 7" from the excellent band The Wild Swans in a nice parcel from occultation. A nice autographed picture included
Got an mail from The Occultation, The Wild Swans record label, about their new single. Ordered it and got a download with the a and the b side. A few listenings and I thinks it's a grover, need some time but its absolutly a buyer. But it from here.
Scroll down and there is some words in english!
Så, här ska jag dela med mig av min värld. Och vad består den av, jo, min sambo Susanne, vår hund Nelly, kläder 6ts, musik, Millwall FC, Cyckling och löpning, fotografering och mitt arbete inom kriminalvården som programledare.
Here is Jerry world - Susanne my girlfriend, Nelly the dog, clothes, 6ts cut, music, photo, cycling and running and my work as programleader within The Prison and Probation Service.