So this is about a minute of Oasis in Gothenburg. Must say that they wear not the most energic band I've seen. Susanne and me had a very nice night in Gotenburg. Champagne in the room, Indian take away, Oasis at Scandinavium and the afterparty at The Ritz with Noel anf Gem atending. In all - top!
Scroll down and there is some words in english!
Så, här ska jag dela med mig av min värld. Och vad består den av, jo, min sambo Susanne, vår hund Nelly, kläder 6ts, musik, Millwall FC, Cyckling och löpning, fotografering och mitt arbete inom kriminalvården som programledare.
Here is Jerry world - Susanne my girlfriend, Nelly the dog, clothes, 6ts cut, music, photo, cycling and running and my work as programleader within The Prison and Probation Service.