fredag, maj 05, 2006

Stadium Arcadium

So today it finally arrived, the new red hot chili peppers stadium arcadium. The last days it been a media buzz around it since it "leaked" to the net and flea made his thoughts about it public through a fleamail published on their "website" . Many magazines picked up on the story probably after that the record company made some kind of news out of the mail and the thing that was picked up was that this was something that the downloader didn't pay for. If you read the mail I think that the big concern from flea is that the copy that is on the net is of poor quality and that the listener will not be able to listen to the record to the sound it is supposed to sound like. Of course he talks about money, but that seems not to be the big concern. Strange to write about this on the website where probably 95% of the participants will buy the album. I can understand the thing about the sound, but not the loosing money argument. The album is right now being ripped so that I can listen to it on my shuffle. The songs i listen to this far sounds good, like red hot do nowadays. Nice california pop. Sorry for all wrong words, misspelling but that's life.


2 kommentarer:

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12/5/06 18:27  
Anonymous Anders sa...

Tjena Jerry! Var inne och kollade läget... Måste passa på att tipsa om en bok! "Scar Tissue" av/med Anthoy Keidis - läsvärd!

18/7/06 08:57  

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